Box's Farm Shop
Planning consent for a rural exception site in Cornwall that will deliver much needed affordable housing to help sustain the rural community
Outline Planning consent was achieved for this Rural Exception Site in Cornwall, creating sixteen new homes near Launceston at St Giles on the Heath. The eight affordable and eight open market houses are grouped around two informal shared courtyards, with generous green spaces.
Subject to a rigorous Building for Healthy Life assessment, the new homes will offer a higher quality of life to residents. Using the industry standard tool for new housing developments helps to guide design and create places that are better for people and nature.
Criteria for the assessment include integration with the local community infrastructure, pedestrian links to pre-existing communities and facilities, use of local design elements, provision of adequate parking and local amenities
As a result, this high-quality, energy efficient housing will satisfy a clear local need and deliver attractive, functional and sustainable housing.
In response to the local vernacular style, the new homes echo a traditional Devon longhouse and will enhance the character of the wider area. Extensive soft landscaping, together with reinforced hedge banks and permeable boundaries, will retain and encourage wildlife.