Masterplan Sites, Camelford
Placemaking planning consents obtained for two new communities in edge of settlement locations delivering a mix of open market and affordable housing
These two Masterplan sites in Camelford will deliver a total of up to seventy nine new homes for this rural Cornish community.
Tregoodwell, which is located on the eastern edge of Camelford, is a masterplan for up to thirty nine dwellings and Mount View, towards the west of Camelford, is a masterplan for up to forty dwellings.
In both cases, community consultation guided the low density schemes, which reflect the rurality of their location and the aspirations of residents.
Key to their success was the generous provision of natural open spaces and the retention of existing mature trees. Significant landscape and ecological buffers were incorporated into the designs, along with new hedges and tree planting, further supporting biodiversity net gain.
At Tregoodwell a small-scale multi-use community venue is located to the south of the site as part of the ‘village green’ and at Mount View, space has been identified for a community ‘orchard’ and allotments.
Both masterplans are aligned with the core purpose of an exception site, which is to facilitate the building of affordable homes in rural areas with the intention of addressing local housing need and sustaining rural communities.