Cleaner Seas Group
The Bazeley Partnership is delighted to support Cleaner Seas Group ™️ with their groundbreaking new filter that will make a real impact in the fight to protect and restore our seas.
This local Bude company is tackling one of the biggest ocean polluters; microfibres. The Cleaner Seas Group filter is called Indi™. It’s an innovative piece of green tech that is easily plugged into your washing machine and uses a patented cartridge system to filter up to 700,000 microfibres with EVERY wash!
Our location on the north coast of Cornwall means we are closely connected to the sea and coastal communities and understand the importance of tackling pollution at source.
As advocates and investors, we hope to raise awareness of this amazing product that will work for the benefit of all.
For more information, to check out the Indi™ filter and to learn more visit:
Like, share and grab a filter to help this awesome crew on Microfibre Pollution.